Permanent scientific staff

Dr. Michael Stern (head of the lab)

Phone : + 972 3 738 4458

Michael graduated from Ecole Centrale Paris in 2000 with a specialization in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. During his studies, he developed a system on a chip (SoC) dedicated for network security and cryptography and founded a start-up company named Everbee. In 2004, he decided to return to academia to undertake a PhD in the fields of semiconductor physics and optical spectroscopy. During his thesis in the group of Prof. Israel Bar-Joseph at Weizmann Institute, Michael investigated the phase diagram of dipolar excitons in coupled quantum wells. He spent two additional postdoctoral years at Weizmann Institute and worked on fractional quantum Hall effect. After this work on semiconductor physics, he opted for  a post-doc in mesoscopic physics and spent three postdoctoral years working on superconducting circuits in the Quantronics group at Saclay. In 2015, Michael returned to Israel to start the new Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory at BIU which focuses its research on hybrid quantum systems.

Yael Diamant (Lab manager)


Yael received a BSc.T.E. degree in electronic engineering and technological education from Holon Institute of Technology in the year 2000. She did her final project in the Submicron Center in Weizmann Institute on the subject of “Read-out circuit for monolithic Focal Plane Array in GaAs”. She has worked in the Qnano Lab since 2017 as a Labview programmer and an electronic engineer. Since 2019, she has been the lab manager.

Dr. Avraham Chelly


Avi finished his M.Sc. thesis in Physical Chemistry and Material Engineering at the Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France, in 1992. He recieved his Ph.D. degree in Solid State Physics at the Universite de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse, France, in 1997. He did a post-doctoral work on microelectronics processing in the Graduate Schoool of Applied Science – Applied Physics Department, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, in 1999, Supervised by Prof. J. Shappir.